Ok, here's the deal. I need more stuff to put up out here. Most of the stuff I do, as you may have noticed, is big, album stuff for money that I pray to get one day on my bancamp. BUT. To help myself get more credibility here, maybe get more fans (I love the ones I already have, though!), I need to start putting stuff up on here. That's the problem: All my stuffs is big songz. I would really love to have more to put on here, but I can never come up with stuff that I want to put up here. SO. The deal. I would LOVE ideas. I'll even throw in your name in the description (it is FREE, after all)! So, if you have any ideas for a song, PM me or something! I would love some. I'll do the best I can to make it how you like! Yeah. Cool. Ok, bye.